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31 December 2010

This amazing photo will give us all the energy we will need for tonight - by the Icelandic photographer Óskar Páll

I hope you all have a lovely evening...

..........and lots of FUN!


Whoever is behind all those images is in my mind an absolute genius.
Today is the last day of this year and we are all getting older which is something that
I love about life. Anyway I cannot help feeling a bit emotional like I always do on the
31st of December each year.
Still, I am excited as well because a new year with some new adventures is just around the corner. I have got a huge respect for our earth and I see it as a very beautiful place, a place we can all be proud of. It has been a good year, still I always ask myself the question;
what can I do better next year - because I believe that we can always do a little bit better!


The English seem to love is and yes this country has so much going for it, I went there only once this year on my way to Germany and I meet the funniest old man ever - he had a
great sense of humour
and every time we met we could not stop talking to each other.
To be able to renovate an old farm house like this one in France would be like a dream come true
- I find this home very charming - I love the colour scheme and the wallpaper is simply stunning.
Oh no this girl is to clever to take a bite of that apple!

I can not think of a better way to welcome the new year -
bathing is one of my favorite things and being able to breath in fresh air and look at the stars at the same time.
The cool lamp is by
sounds like heaven. ...

30 December 2010

I love this ceramics bowl by French artist Nathalie Dérouet

This space is bright and airy ...those are the two words that I think of when I look at this beautiful home.
The word space can mean so many things for every one of us and the meaning of the word is very variable.
Space is very important for us and to be able to have as much natural light as possible, well there is nothing like it,
also the size, the layout and last but not least the location of our home seems to be the most important factor.
..............................................via -

To be able to achieve a good outstanding piece of work, the most important thing is to look at every detail.
One of the best architects in the world
Frank Lloyed Wright
dedicated his work from the beginning of his career to details and that is one of the reasons why his work is so extraordinary.
To Wright the important thing about Art is simplicity. Through simplicity the artist can bring out the natural beauty intrinsic in the ingredients that he uses because you cannot simply put something new into a place without absorbing
what you see around you.
Anyway enjoy your day.


29 December 2010


There is something very cool about this flat and I think that people today have more respect for design and designers and hopefully realising how important it is to feel comfortable in the space they are in. As we all know,
a good design is something that makes life more enjoyable.
yes enjoyable...
I love those and I find them very beautiful as well - by Guðrún Indriðadóttir
via -
This product is something that I find quite interesting,
The sweater-bag, designed by
Ingibjörg Þóra Gestsdóttir and Kristín Unnur Þórarinsdóttir

28 December 2010

Serious styling, those animals look like they are having a very nice time...
Those 2 lovely images are
by photographer Chris Everard
We are looking at artist Ugo Rondinone cool installation at
Gallery Eva Presenhuber in Zurich, I love the floorboards.

Romantic home found on

27 December 2010

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